Sunday, April 09, 2006

Getting off the mark

So there it is - another one succumbs to the charms of Blogville. In person you generally would find me in either of 2 modes - rambling (more often than not) or studied silence (read sleeping)
This blog is likely to end up in either of these two states. That i am lazy is an understatement - that i love to blabber is another. So this blog then is a match between laziness and the urge to put my thoughts down. Invariably laziness would come up winner (much like the 4-0 washout we gave England) but in some cases the scoreline might just read 6-1 (as Sri Lanka did)
This post and the start of the blog is then that one match which went the other way - How long will it last is anyone's guess. Infact i am willing to take bets on how many posts this blog will last for. (Cash wonly please)

What then would i blog about? Most likely cricket - infact i will probably talk about cricket even when its not the subject i am discussing. No surprise then that this post is titled "getting off the mark"

Standard Disclaimer:- This blog has high risk of being a boring and a sporadically updated blog. Thou shalt read at one's own risk - me shall not be held responsible for anything that can be deemed a waste of thy precious time

1 comment:

A said...

First posts on blogs somehow always seem to talk of being unsure of whether or not the interest will last :D

Hope the mania gets you too:)
